Importance of Maqam e Ibraaheem

Maqaam e Ibraaheem, which means "station of Ibraaheem," is a very important place in Holy Makkah. Maqam is an Arabic word that means the place where a person stands with two feet together. The stone that Hazrat Ibraaheem A.s. used to build the Kabah is called Maqam e Ibraaheem. It is a big stone block that shows where the Prophet Ibrahim stood while building the upper walls of the Holy Kabah. People believe that this sacred stone and two other stones also came from Jannah. One is the famous Hajra Al Aswad, also called the "Black Stone." Another is the "Stone of the Children of Israel," and the third is "Maqaam e Ibraaheem." Visit the Mawam e Ibraheem after booking islamic travel Umrah Package 2023 from Birmingham . When one side of the building was done, the big stone block was moved. This was done while the rest of the upper part of the Holy Kabah was being built. After the building was done, this sacred stone was left on the eastern side of t...